HPF™ Pure Air System

Clean air is essential to the performance and life of your engine. Proper air filtration is important because a small amount of dirt can cause a tremendous amount of engine damage.


 MG 2579

Ayido HPF™ offers a wide range of air filters to provide the protection your engine needs. With over 3,600 air filters in our line, Ayido air filters supply the necessary protection for all types of engines.

IMG 2476


HPF™ air filters are fitted with filter media specially designed to trap contaminants such as dirt, dust and soot before they cause harm to your engine. Our full line of air intake systems, replacement parts and accessories are available in a variety of styles, sizes and materials to meet any application. HPF™ also delivers better engine protection with no media movement, expansion, contraction or bunching. The straight-through,fluted design is simply more efficient.